Monday, December 8, 2008

The DoD/CDC Saga Continues...Autism “Under Revision”:

DTaP = Autism “Under Revision”: Something is Rotten at the DoD and CDC

by: Angela Warner

The Vaccine Healthcare Center’s Network (VHCN), a collaboration of the Department of Defense (DoD) and Center’s for Disease Control (CDC), decided on December 5, 2008 between 5:35pm and 6:21pm (EST), that the original VHCN webpage (now a cached version) HERE listing autism as an adverse event associated with the DTaP vaccine needed some revision (HERE). Following is the continuation of “Evidence of Harm”.

Read the full story HERE at Autism Salutes

Angela Warner is an Air Force spouse, and mom to four beautiful children (two with autism), and an advocate for children with autism to help our children and stop the autism epidemic.

1 comment:

Preschoolmom2 said...

Angela & parents like you are inspiring.. Just a few short weeks ago I was presented with the choice to vaccinate my children with the flu shot or they would be kicked out of the military daycare program. I have had the biggest up's and downs over the fight to NOT vaccinate my children with the Thimersol containing flu vaccine. I am still fighting and in fear of loosing my daycare (which is the best daycare ever!!). My husband serves his country proudly so we feel it's a service that should not be taken from us because we choose to try to stay Thimersol free (it’s not free we pay for it). The process to obtain a waiver is cumbersome, demeaning and lonely. Today it seems almost impossible.

It’s only thru the hard work and dedication of people like you and Angela that I even have the will and knowledge to keep fighting and I will keep fighting. Thanks for all you have done and will do for the protection of not only the injured but the kids who are at RISK to be injured based on mandates for vaccination like the one from the US Air Force 2008 for flu vaccines (children 6 months and up).