Monday, February 13, 2012

An Exercise In Critical Thinking

An Exercise in Critical Thinking - Check out this chart comparing the 1980's vaccine schedule to our current schedule and then ask yourself a few questions.
1) How many kids were dying due to outbreaks of infectious disease in the 1980's?
2) How can we assume this dramatic jump in the number of vaccines is safe when there are no studies on giving multiple vaccines in one day?
3) How can we assume this dramatic jump in the number of vaccines is safe when there are no studies on the health outcomes of the current vaccine schedule in total?
4) How can we assume this dramatic jump in the number of vaccines is safe when there are no studies evaluating the safety of injected aluminum in children when the amount of aluminum exposure in one pediatric visit could be as much as 5 times the allowable amount given to an adult in a single day intravenously in the hospital setting?
5) How can we assume this vaccine schedule is safe when there are still trace amounts of thimerosal (mercury) in many pediatric vaccines and there are ZERO studies that compare populations of children who received vaccines with thimerosal compared to vaccines with NO thimerosal? (all current studies compare vaccines with a high amt of thimerosal to vaccines with LESS)
6) How can we assume the current vaccine schedule is safe when there are ZERO studies comparing the overall health of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people?
NOTE how many times I used the word "assume" because that's what the CDC and AAP do. In the absence of scientifically answering these questions they are...."assuming" vaccines are "safe". And we know what "assuming" makes of us all. I don't know about you but I think, given vaccines are mandated, my child deserves better than that.