Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Adventures in Autism: Pamela Felice on Actually Having a Vaccine Debate#links

Adventures in Autism: Pamela on Actually Having a Vaccine Debate#links

Vaccine Debate on the Oprah Show

Today I sent the following email to the Oprah Show, asking her to host a vaccine safety debate in recognition of Autism Awareness Month. I was also honored that Ginger at the Adventures in Autism ran my idea on her blog. In addition I emailed Jenny McCarthy at Talk About Curing Autism and asked her to encourage Oprah to run with this, http://www.talkaboutcuringautism.org/jenny/askjenny/ask-jenny-mccarthy-about-autism.htm.

If you like this suggestion, please email Oprah as well, http://www2.oprah.com/email/email_landing.jhtml

My Email to the Oprah Show:

With autism awareness month approaching in April and in light of the recent court ruling regarding Hannah Polling's vaccine related autism, I thought it might be interesting for Oprah to host a debate on the topic of vaccine safety.

Some suggested guests might include; David Kirby, author of Evidence of Harm, Dr. Robert Sears, Author of The Vaccine Book , Dr. Boyd Haley, head of the Chemistry Dept at Kentucky State University, Dr. Jerry Kertzinel, the DAN! Dr. treating Jenny McCarthy's son and Barbara Lowe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Ctr. on the Critic side.

Possible panelists who support the current vaccine program might include, Dr. Paul Offit, Dr. Julie Gerberding, Director of the CDC, a representative of the AmericanAcademy of Pediatrics and/or a representative of Every Child By Two.

I bet I can guess which side of that panel would decline the invitation. If they do all agree...it would certainly make for great television.